My Work
Check out some of my projects...

Archival website to College Ska Band "Charlie Pathetic". Parallax Scrolling and Materialize.

Clean-up of existing website for Community Outreach Housing. Designed a cleaner responsive design that utilized the company logo. Uses Materialize for majority of CSS.

Full MERN Stack App for tracking drinking sessions. Demostrates React and React-Router. Persistance with MongoDB and Mongoose

"Castlevania" themed Memory clicking game made in React. Try to click the 12 characters without clicking the same one twice. If you do, you'll have to start over!

Full MERN Stack App that utilizes Google Books API. Demostrates React and React-Router. Persistance with MongoDB

"Friend Finder" survey app that matches you with your Board Gaming Personality Type. Demonstrates use of Express and Node.js and uses Materialize as the CSS Framework.

App that allows users to track their BAC by saving drinks to database. Demos use of Angular Framework, Sequelize ORM and Moment.js

App that scrapes articles from and allows users to make notes on the articles they find. App demonstrates the ability to use Cheerio to scrape data from a website and save to a MongoDB database.

"Burger" app that allows user to Create/Devour/Delete Burgers. Demonstrates use of Express and Node.js and uses Handlebars Templates with Bootstrap CSS Framework, only this time utilizing "sequelize" for ORM functionality

"Burger" app that allows user to Create/Devour/Delete Burgers. Demonstrates use of Express and Node.js and uses Handlebars Templates with Bootstrap CSS Framework.

Food and Crime Map Application. Heavy use of Google API and Open Crime Source. Firebase for persistance.

Node.js Command Line Storefront where users assume the role of Customer, Manager or Supervisor.

Node.js Command Line Game where users can play a "50 States" themed word guess in the terminal.

Node.js App which can search for Movies, Songs, Concerts, show Tweets and Read commands from .txt file.

Vintage Star Wars themed turn based combat game. Made with HTML, CSS, Javascript and jQuery.

Monster themed word guessing game made with HTML, CSS and JavaScript only.

"Game of Thrones" themed trivia game. Incorporates use of timers into JavaScript.

Giphy API / AJAX calls. Content dynamically created through JavaScript/jQuery.

Basic Train Scheduler to demonstrate Moment.js and Firebase for User Accounts.